Electric Car Price

What are the prices of electric cars?

What Are The Prices Of Electric Cars? The Renault K-ZE, the cheapest list of 10 small electric cars will be launched in 2020, reaching about $ 8,700, according to Automatic Terturi cars.

What are the prices of electric cars?

  • The Renault K-ZE, a list of the cheapest 10 small electric cars will be launched in 2020, with a price of about $ 8,700, according to Otomutf Terturi cars.
  • This car falls within the sports category.
  • Nine five passengers and are equipped with a small electric power of 44 hp.
  • The use of this car is preferred to navigate within the cities as they can only cut a distance of 110 miles without the need to recharge (scale). And with a powerful battery of 26.8 kWh.
  • As in this, they cannot increase their speed by 65 miles per hour. 80% of the battery can only be charged only 50 minutes.
  • It is scheduled to be made and manufactured in China, but Renault French company plans to submit it later in European markets.

 The second generation of VW EUR! Gen2

  • The vehicle maintains an electric power of 83 hp and battery power of 36.8 kW per hour.
  • The scope is 146 miles (233 km).
  • Its speed is 81 miles per hour. And will be sold at $ 24,500.
  • And with additional advantages such as automatic air conditioning.
What are the prices of electric cars
What are the prices of electric cars

Renault Zu Renault Zoe

  • This vehicle is available with electric motor power of 108 hp (79 km).
  • Its speed is 85 miles per hour. The price is sold at $ 31,350.
  • The scope (ie maximum distance is cut before returning) to 151 miles (242 kW).
  • The power of its battery is 41 kWh.

Skoda City Electric Joe

  • The power of its electrode is up to 83 hp. The scope is 146 miles (233 km).
  • The power of its battery is up to 36.8 kWh.
  • And will be sold at $ 25,800. And belongs to the Flux Vagn Group.
  • The car is equipped with the characteristics of the second generation.
  • 80% of its battery can be charged within one hour.

Flux Vagen AD 3 (VW ID3)

  • The power of its electrode is up to 204 hp (150 kW). The scope is up to 185-310 miles (300-500 km).
  • Its speed is 100 miles per hour. This car is sold for $ 32.900.
  • The power of its battery is 77 kW per hour.
  • The car is equipped with a satellite roaming system.

Nissan Leaf 2019 2019 Nissan leaf

  • The oldest category of Nissan Leave cars has gone on the biggest fame and Jamahiriya in the electric car market.
  • This mass has been strengthened by the second generation. This sales model achieved up to 400,000 units in 2019.
  • The power of its electrode is up to 136 hp (100 kW).
  • The scope is 172 miles (275 km). It is equipped with automatic beams at emergency and automatic pilot. Their price reaches $ 22,490.

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